Patient Registration Form

Patient Registration Form

Section A: Personal Details

Date of Birth(Required)
Medicare Card Expiry Date
Expiry Date
Who can we contact in an emergency?
Do you have an advanced health directive for end of life care?
For more information talk to your GP.

Section B: Cultural Background

Knowing your cultural background can help us provide healthcare that meets your individual needs.

Are you of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin?
Is English your first language

Section C: Allergies and medicines

List allergies and intolerances to medications
Describe your reaction
List regular medications and doses, and complementary medicines and doses

Section D: Consent

Our practice uses a reminder system to help you maintain your health. The practice sends reminders by post, email, telephone or SMS for procedures such as vaccinations, pap tests and other health reviews.

Our practice also sends information to the Australian Childhood Immunisation Register and Pap Smear Register. These registers also send reminders, which can be helpful if you move.

Clear Signature
DD slash MM slash YYYY

Dedicated to Keeping
Our Community Healthy.